About Us

Deportation Defense- Protection Network:

The Deportation Defense Protection Network is a mutual aid, solidarity organizing model where families and communities are individually and collectively prepared in the event of an arrest, detention or deportation. Families and individuals learn their rights and support one another through a family plan, collective defense fund, legal network, know your rights training, rapid response systems, detention visitations and local advocacy/ community organizing.

Elements of the Protection Network

Know and Defend Your Rights Education Program. Know Your Rights trainings are critical so individuals know what do in case of a raid, detention and arrest.

Family Preparedness Plannning. Guides families through creating a family plan in case of incarceration that includes specific key documents they need to have prepared such as power of attorney forms so that people’s children are not taken by Child Protective Services (CPS).

Collective Defense Fund. The Defense Fund are emergency funds available for members active in the Protection Network. The use of the funds includes bonds and other needs that come up in the event of a detention and/or deportation.

Legal Network. It is important to make connections with immigration, criminal and family law attorneys that can assist local Protection Networks in proactive approaches and deportation cases.

Rapid Response System. In case an individual is stopped by police or immigration officers, or their home is raided, there should be a plan to call or text about the situation and provide the address or cross streets of where they are located to mass text so that civil observer volunteers can go immediately to the scene to assist and document all activities

Visitations & Letter-writing. Once the family or group has the A# of the detained individual, we have access to the person’s location so they can be visited. It is important to visit so that the person knows they are not alone. If a visit isn’t immediately possible we write letters. The group can write messages for moral support and letters of recommendation to the Immigration Judge. There are different types of letters that can be useful for a person in detention.

Defense Campaigns and Community Organizing. When strategic, we launch public campaigns for members in deportation proceedings. Additionally, we engage in local community organizing efforts and campaigns to challenge and change local policies.

Support Needed: Volunteers for Rapid Response Network. Donations and/or fundraising activities to support immigrant leadership and Community Defense Fund. Pro-bono immigration, criminal, family law and civil rights attorney network. Public notaries to volunteer services for know-your-rights forums.